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VOC Cleaning Services For Office

VOC Cleaning Services For Office

According to an often-cited figure, the majority of us spend 90% of our time indoors, in the enclosed spaces of our homes and workplaces. We now have buildings with improved energy efficiency and tightened their seals as a part of the higher environmental sustainability movement. While this has a positive influence on the environment, it also restricts the fresh air flow inside the building. This can easily be handled by getting VOC cleaning services.

Developing Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) is most common in these constructed spaces. Many symptoms, such as irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, headaches, lack of coordination, nausea, and liver, kidney, and central nervous system damage, can be brought on by VOCs. As a result, throat and lung irritation can act as triggers for people with asthma and allergies.

However, there are a variety of sources for VOCs in the indoor environment. And because there is less air circulation, the VOCs have nowhere to go. The VOC concentration indoors can be influenced by a variety of factors, including building materials, electronic devices, cleaning supplies, and even culinary methods. How can facilities and maintenance managers deal with these indoor air contaminants in a proactive manner?

VOC Sources in the Workplace

VOCs can come from both anthropogenic and natural sources. Instead of discussing VOCs’ natural origins, we shall concentrate on indoor sources that are typical of office and work situations.

VOCs are widely used as construction and consumer product elements, and they may be found in large quantities in offices. These are a few of the more typical ones:

  • Cleaning supplies
  • Furnishings and textiles
  • Paints, sealants, finishes, and adhesives 
  • Office supplies like printers, fax machines, and photocopiers
  • Materials used in construction, include wood composites, carpets, and linoleum

With the multitude of sources for VOCs, levels can rise without you actively utilizing a product that contains them. In new construction, VOCs in the building supplies like flooring, insulation, and finishes will evaporate and enter the air. Moreover, VOCs can be produced by furniture, stored goods like cleaning supplies, and human activities like smoking and cooking.

How VOC Cleaning Services Lowers Business Expenses?

In what ways does this affect the workplace? Well, the negative effects on health caused by indoor air pollution, including VOCs, translate to lower productivity and higher expenses.

  • Because of the symptoms of sick building syndrome (SBS), higher VOC concentrations are linked to more complaints from building occupants.
  • Performance and productivity are dramatically decreased in an office setting when VOCs are present. In fact, research that appeared in Environmental Health Perspectives discovered a correlation between a 500 g/m3 rise in VOC concentration and a 13% decline in cognitive scores across all domains.
  • The health consequences of VOCs can lead to higher absenteeism, which can cost businesses as much as maintaining a building each year.

Use VOC With Caution

The usage of VOCs is crucial for difficult activities that call for cleaning chemicals with greater quantities of solvents, including industrial cleaning or graffiti removal. Precautions should be taken in these situations, such as wearing the correct personal protective equipment (PPE) and making sure your facility has adequate ventilation. Avoid choosing cleaning solutions containing other active components that can have detrimental impacts on the user or the environment, or putting too much emphasis on low VOC levels at the expense of functionality.

How Can ECOS’s VOC Cleaning Services Help?

Monitor the VOC Level

Constant, real-time monitoring of indoor air quality enables the detection and control of VOC-related problems. And that too before they have an adverse effect on the health of building inhabitants. With sensors positioned in various areas across the facility, ECOS’s professionally trained individuals gather and monitor information on temperature, humidity, total volatile organic compounds (TVOC), and particle matter. This guarantees that the IAQ complies with all requirements imposed by ASHRAE, LEED, OSHA, and other organizations.

Building Health Check

To assess indoor environmental conditions and improve IAQ, our experts provide a Building Health Check. Our environmental project management program assigns knowledgeable senior project managers to collaborate with facilities managers to swiftly handle any IAQ concerns. And that too with the least amount of disturbance to workflow.

So, trust the VOC removal experts at ECOS to improve the indoor air quality of your workplace or home. Contact us to get a quote today!

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