
Water Damage Restoration Service in Boulder

Water Extraction Services

Water Extraction Services

Whether you have to deal with a leaky pipe in the middle of the night or a flood that is clogging your neighborhood for days on end, you can experience great stress in both situations. Nothing can prepare you enough for these events. 

Exposure to water for a long time can damage the walls, wooden furniture, and other essential valuables on your property. The cleanup process is very extensive, stressful, and time-consuming. As a matter of fact, the longer the issue is left untreated, the greater the risk of mold formation, structural damage, and many other issues in the building. 

When you are faced with such situations, it is essential to trust trained professionals who have the right skills and expertise to perform water extraction efficiently.

In the following section, we will learn- 

  • What is Water Extraction?
  • Impact of Water Accumulation on Buildings
  • Why hire ECOS for Water Extraction Service?

What is Water Extraction?

Water Extraction is a process of-  

  • Identifying and detecting all the visible and hidden sources of water leakage on the property 
  • Sealing them with appropriate tools to avoid further water seepage
  • Removing extra accumulated water
  • Drying the premises where water has accumulated

Impact of Water Accumulation on Buildings and Water Extraction Services

Any water damage may have several negative impacts on the structure of a building.

Here is a list of issues that arise when a building is under the effect of water damage due to leakage or flood – 


It is a mammoth’s task to detect a source of water damage. As the pipes may be hidden inside the walls, the effects begin to physically appear only when the damage has spread a great deal on the inside. There could be multiple sources that cause havoc in more than one location.

The damp area in the concrete can slowly corrode the slab and, before you know it, can damage all the components of the structure. In flood, water accumulation leads to crystallization in the walls and other surfaces, thus harming the structure. You may notice flaking in your walls, paint, or plaster. White deposits may also form on the walls due to crystallization.

Brick or stone buildings are usually porous, i.e., they absorb water. When a brick-and-mortar establishment comes in contact with water for an extended period, moisture seeps into the structure. This process is called capillary action. A rise in the moisture content of the wall will also increase its dampness. 

Salt Crystallization

The precipitation of chloride, sulfate, and carbonate salts in the building structure is known as salt crystallization. The salts remain dormant until agents like water aggravate them to form moisture. The presence of salt leads to the subsoil water ascending and reaching the structure, thus entering between the cracks of the building. 

Due to weather action, there is an expansion and contraction of the water within the cracks. This further weakens the structure and finally causes steady disintegration. 

Cracks in the Buildings

Due to water accumulation, seepages, and water pressure exerted due to floods, several cracks appear on the walls. 

Temperature changes, rise in the water table, and changes in soil texture due to fluctuations in moisture content cause minor cracks that increase over time. 

However, all cracks are not fatal to your building structure but may further widen when rainwater enters these cracks. Therefore, it is vital to employ professionals to check all the agents of damage from entering and destroying your property further. 

The nature of the soil where your property is holds great significance. The soil with higher water retention capacity expands drastically, thus forming cracks in the structures built on top of it when the soil dries and contracts. 

Mold Formation

Persistent contact with water and over 20 percent moisture content may lead to fungal attacks. Wooden objects and structures often require a more extended drying period. 

Wet timbers are susceptible to termite attacks and other bug infestations. Having favorable ventilation in the building will ensure the drying process is sped up. If not checked at the right time, the decay starts instantly. 

The thing with mold is that it forms quickly on the walls. The “spores” float through the air and deposit on wet surfaces. Mold exposure also leads to respiratory issues in human beings. 

Why Hire ECOS for Water Extraction Services?

ECOS has won several awards, accolades, and recognitions for its exceptional service in water extraction and damage restoration. We have been actively working for 16 years, operating in multiple locations across Colorado. 

We have mastered the art of restoration with our excellent team of skilled technicians and state-of-the-art technology. 

We are trusted by National Third Party Administrators, who employ our services only because we screen our agents and ensure that they have a clean record. Our technicians visit the site wearing uniforms and I.D. Badges for the sake of identification. 

ECOS experts are magicians who can work wonders on all water extraction jobs and yield results that leave you in awe. 

Our water damage restoration services include:

  • Water Extraction
  • Sewer Damage Repairs
  • Water Drying Services

If you are suffering from any water damage issues, Kindly Contact Us, and we will take care of all your water damage troubles.

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